
We are going to organised a HDFC District Level Workshop for HDFC FI Banking and its other Products on 12th -June- 2019, we request you all Vle's to Present in to the Worskhop.

Saturday, October 14, 2017


 DigiPay Manager Login

                                 CSC e-Governance Services India Limited has collaborated with The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) to launch Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AePS) at locations where CSC has been acting as Business Correspondent. This payment system is called as DIGIPAY.

This system facilitates disbursement of government entitlements like NREGA, social security pension, Handicapped, Old Age Pension etc of any Central or State Government institution/entity, using Aadhaar authentication service of UIDAI.

This system is based on demographic and biometric/iris information of an individual, which reduces the threat of any fraud or non-genuine activity. Aadhaar facilitate anytime, anywhere, anyhow authentication for the citizen/customer. This service is currently working on windows and Android based Laptop/Desktop/Mobile phones.